Wednesday, August 31, 2022

So Tired

I suffer terribly from fatigue, as part of the fibromyalgia package. No amount of sleep, healthy eating, vitamins, magic potions or yoga can fix it. The frustration is insurmountable. It restricts me daily and is a constant fight against my own body. Ive had to leave my part-time job due to the fatigue. It is not fun falling asleep while other people are in the room or trying to talk to you. And driving, that is an anxiety filled ride that is best to be avoided when things are really bad. it effects my speech, cognitive abilities and has turned me into a simple mess.

I don't know which is worse the chronic pain or the fatigue. Probably the latter as it makes everything worse.

I took the above image yesterday with my phone and then added the text, in some way trying to purge the tiredness and share my frustration via my Instagram.
 It seems the Instagram algorithm has me more hidden than ever, not that many would get it, but it is nice in some way to think that someone out there might understand.

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